
Sky Sports Italia Pundit was accused of racism after calling Romelu Lukaku ‘the black man in Inter’

by: tailgate-rivals


Sky Sports Italia expert is in hot water after making two racist comments about Romelu Lukaku just seconds away live.

When a graphic of the Inter striker was shown on screen, Stefano called De Grandis Lukaku “the gentleman next to you” and then continued to brand him as “the black boy at Inter” a few seconds later.

The backlash has been hugely deserved, with many calling for De Grandis to be fired for his inappropriate remarks.

At the time of writing, no apologies were issued by De Grandis or Sky Sports Italia.

In 2019, another Italian expert, Luciano Passirani, was fired after saying that the only way to stop Lukaku is to “say, here are ten bananas you can eat”.

TopCalcio24 suspended him immediately and was subsequently released from office.

Passirano’s self-defense found that he claimed he was “not racist” because he had black relatives.

“I would like not to pass for a racist,” he told Telelombardia.

“My partner who has lived with me for 17 years is black, I have two black granddaughters, my son’s daughters. I’m not a racist and I think I’m a fully educated person.

“In my career I have met many black players and have never had any problems.